My wife saw this tree on the first day that we drove around the island of Oahu on our recent trip. As we neared the end we made a point of driving back up to the North Shore and this tree was one of the reasons.
I've done some looking and I can't find anything about it, but its sitting there, alone, right on the edge of the water. The floats are clearly decorations and have been there for quite some time.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
North Shore Float Tree
Friday, April 29, 2011
Brass Pots in Epcot's Morocco
Scott Kelby has, among many others, been a real inspiration to me in my photography. He is an excellent teacher and author, but most importantly, he's an incredibly positive person.
He is also the world's #1 selling author of photography and technology books. I own several of those books and they are dogeared and worn from use.
This shot is an 'ode to Scott Kelby'. In Scott's original Digital Photography Book he had a similar shot and I have been working on my version of it for awhile now.
The spot is tough to find as it is hidden around a couple of corners away from the shops in the Morocco Pavilion at Epcot. It is further proof to me that Disney's attention to detail is amazing, even around corners and down alleys where few guests go they take the time to carry the theme through the whole place.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Cinderella's Castle
Hey gang! I'm feeling a need for some Disney today.
This shot is one of the things that makes Disney, and especially the Magic Kingdom so great. Right behind me, to my right and to my left there are hordes of people. But here, by design, there is this tranquil view of the most majestic spot on property.
Disney loves getting people through the turnstiles in huge numbers. But what's so amazing to me is that even with that driving desire you can find places like this where it feels like it's just you in the park and the world just slips away.
I can't wait until the fall when we get to go back!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Unfortunately, we're not all Peter Lik! Sometimes there really isn't a lot of color, the light isn't perfect and the composition just doesn't happen, no matter how hard we try.
This photography thing, as it turns out, is tough. I'm not complaining, it's worth the effort. But some days are just, well, bristly.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Surfboard and Palm Trees
Even on their worst day it can all be made better if the 'surf's up'.
So to all the surfers out there, I hope that the surfs up more days than its not.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Field of Tulips.jpg
I did have to dodge some traffic and thankfully I didn't get run over by the people watching the crazy idiot taking pictures!
It is, I think, a good example of how you can find pictures in the strangest places.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Island Paradise
Island Paradise
Around the southeast side of Oahu there are several scenic overlooks where you can stop and see the sights. This is the view from one of those.
I will tell you that when you are standing there looking at this it makes it pretty tough to get back in the car. You want to just stand there and soak it all in.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Beach Chairs
A couple of beach chairs and an umbrella fit perfectly.
Makes you want to just wander out, take a seat and let the day disappear, doesn't it?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Breezy Palm Trees
I really enjoyed the cool evening breeze in Hawaii. Add in some palm trees and a just after sunset starry sky and, well, you might just get a picture out of it.
Oh, and in case your wondering, yes, that is an airplane in the shot. I seem to have a habit of getting those in my pictures.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Surfboards on Waikiki Beach
Much to the chagrin of one of my coworkers, this is as close as I got to a surfboard while I was in Hawaii. Sorry, J.
I understand the appeal of surfing. It's the solitude of just you and the water. There's peace in that, at least that's what the surfers tell me.
So for all the surfers out there, this shot's for you!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Byodo-In Temple Oahu, HI
I have to admit, this shot is my feeble attempt at a copy. One of my favorite landscape photographers, Rodney Lough, Jr., has a shot of this temple in his portfolio. When we were in Hawaii I made a point of making the trek to see this.
I'm no Rodney Lough, but I got the shot I was looking for!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Baby Pineapple
I think pineapples are a quintessentially Hawaiian thing. The sad part is that as I cruise through my local Wal-Mart the pineapples are all from Costa Rica. So where are all of the Hawaiian Pineapples going? To Japan and other points west, I suppose.
We made a quick stop at the Dole Plantation while we were in Hawaii and it was kind of interesting, but definitely a tourist trap. Lots of trinkets and stuff, but throughout the place you could find, what else? Pineapples!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Makapu'u Lighthouse, Oahu
So I got to travel to Hawaii for work and we took the chance see as much of Oahu as we could while we were there. This lighthouse was on the "must see" list. The Makap'u Lighthouse is incredibly important to Hawaii. Every commerce ship that comes from the West Coast passes by this lighthouse.
It's a bit of a hike, one mile uphill to get to it, but it is most definitely worth it. To get this shot you have to leave the pavement and walk a bit more down some rocky paths and climb down some rocks. But when you do, this is the view that awaits you.
Imagine, though, that as your standing there seeing this view you're also getting a strong breeze right off the water and the waves are crashing against the rocks below you. It really is awe inspiring.
Fort those of you who haven't been to Hawaii, go! For those of you that have, well, the Makapu'u Lighthouse is a beacon welcoming you back.