I admit it, I'm addicted to depth of field. To be specific, for the photogs in the crowd, I'm addicted to f 2.8.
Working on what feels like a razor's edge forces me to really work to nail what's in focus. It's really the difference between a shot that pops and one that looks like I was running past the flower I'm shooting (which is what most of them look like, trust me).
It's the work to get better with every shot though that keeps me out there shooting.
Now if I could just figure out what those other numbers on the lens mean...trust me, the photographers are laughing. :)
You kill me! I was on the floor laughing at the "running past the flowers and shooting" part. I got a really good chuckle out of picturing that! lol:) This one's special to me. Love the post a lot. <3