Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cinderella Castle

Cinderella Castle, originally uploaded by Brian E Mitchell.

People ask me almost constantly why I love Disney so much, and how it is that I can keep going back. For me, it's not a hard question to answer. See, when I'm at Disney the world just seems right, and that's by design. Disney represents everything that's good in the world. It's that perfect ideal, where everything is 'neat and pretty, so on with the show'.

This shot represents that for me. It harkens back to those great promo pictures of the Magic Kingdom. Beautiful flowers, colorful umbrellas, a perfect Disney Blue sky, families moving to and fro and that castle. That one enduring icon that is the hallmark of Disney everywhere.

I'm not naive, I know that much like the castle, the Disney ideal is just a facade. But, wouldn't it be nice if more of our lives were like the Disney ideal. That below the surface people really were just good and honest, and our lives were what we expected them to be.

Wouldn't that be great!

1 comment:

  1. I've looked at this several times this past week and have not found the time to actually sit and comment on it. This is a love I certainly share with you and I think this image is beautiful. I wish we were all a little more naive sometimes. Like children. Loving, being, living in the light, just like this. It's beautiful and I think life is the better for it.

    Disneyworld is a special place. It will always be high on my list of places to visit, even when I'm old. Thanks for reminding me of that feeling tonight. It's rather nice....:)
