Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Point Wilson Lighthouse

Point Wilson Lighthouse, originally uploaded by Brian E Mitchell.

This wonderful lighthouse is the Point Wilson Lighthouse on Fort Warden just outside of Port Townsend, WA. It was built in 1913 and acts as a beacon at the entrance to Admiralty inlet and helps to connect Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

I was lucky enough to travel to see this lighthouse back in 2008 during a trip up to the Pacific Northwest and I just recently went back through some of my old pictures and came across this shot. It made me think that I need to create a photography project for myself and I have chosen lighthouses.

I grew up near the Jupiter Inlet lighthouse and have loved lighthouses since childhood. So I am embarking on an effort to photograph more lighthouses.

I am blessed that I get to travel quite a bit for work so my work is cut out for me to find the lighthouses that are out there in the places that I get to go.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I love this shot, Mitch and what a great idea for a photo project.:) Isn't it grand how easy it is to post from flickr?! I know it must be hard to travel so much, but I find it so exciting. I look forward to seeing where this idea take you this year. It'll be fun to watch!
