Sunday, May 8, 2011

Flower & Garden

Flower & Garden, originally uploaded by Brian E Mitchell.

1/640 20mm 11 -2/3 EV

One of the surest ways to know that spring has arrived is that Epcot cranks up their annual Flower and Garden Festival.

This shot is from a few years ago. We just haven't been able to get down there in the spring for awhile.

To me that's one of the coolest parts of photography. Anytime I want I can open this picture and go back to this moment. I can remember being in Epcot on a warm day and taking this shot.

Being able to share that moment, by the way, is one of the other cool things about photography. So feel free to sit back, relax and take in the view.

If you stare at it long enough the monorail just might come by. No, seriously, it might. Just keep looking for it...

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'm gonna sit here looking for it. lol:) But really, all I have to do is close my eyes and I'll see it. Isn't it wonderful the feeling it invokes? Wow...good stuff. Enjoying all of it...your photostream. Your new website. And your blog. Great job, my friend. Really great!
