Tuesday, May 31, 2011

To Infinity...

To Infinity..., originally uploaded by Brian E Mitchell.
1/10 70mm f7.1 -1/3EV

As you can imagine I get some ribbing for being a flower shooter and for my obvious fascination with all things Disney. So, Kurt, this post is for you, it's got flowers and Disney in it!

I'm a big fan of Buzz Lightyear and it was cool to see the front flower bed at Epcot done up with a Toy Story theme. They change it up every year for the Flower and Garden festival.

This shot actually shows one of the things that I find most frustrating about shooting at Disney. See, this is not the shot I wanted. The one I was working on was about 10 feet to the left and quite a bit wider.

I didn't get that shot because of the other people in the park. I stood in the spot I wanted the picture from for 10 minutes and just could not get a clear shot, so I walked away angry and frustrated. I stayed that way for awhile. I had missed a "once in a lifetime" shot. Being angry and frustrated, though, didn't do me a bit of good.

It did reteach me a very important lesson in photography. I have shot far more frames that turned out to be junk than I have good ones because sometimes you just don't get "the shot". Sometimes its because of my lack of skill, sometimes the light isn't there and sometimes people who paid good money to get through the turnstiles want to get their "once in a lifetime" shot because they may never step foot in Epcot again.

As I was going through the shots later it dawned on me that the shot that I did get is Lotso, and angry, bitter old bear and Buzz Lightyear, the eternal optimist. Telling, dontcha think?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...what a great post. There are times, I believe...when you just have to use the lens of your eye, record it in your heart, and leave the camera for another time. I think that's why I don't often shoot much at WDW, or rather, I shoot very differently. I shoot private images of family and friends enjoying the world, and save the artistic shots for other places. I, like you..just get too frustrated, and that's not good, when you're on vacation. From what I've seen, if you want people free shots at Disney, you have to stay up til 3 in the morning or get up at 5. No thanks! lol I'd rather swing in a hammock at the Polynesian or enjoy a drink by the pool and I am snoozing at 3am.

    Honestly, I think you did rather well here. And I am one who is very grateful that you like flowers and Disneyworld.:)
